Chocolate chip persimmon cookies

I should refer to these as “Jill’s Chocolate chip persimmon cookies”. Our family looks forward to the holiday season when the persimmons finally freeze and become soft and ripe. Jill loves to pluck the fruit from the otherwise bare tree and make batch after batch of these delicious cookies (the rest of the family just…

Blueberry Coffee Cake

My family loves this simple coffee cake and it is also great for company. Since the ingredients are straightforward, it’s likely that you’ll have the stuff necessary without making a special trip to the store. It’s easy enough to throw this recipe together while everyone is enjoying their first cup of coffee in the morning….

Crêpe Suzette

Well, the story goes that in 1895 in the Cafe de Paris in Monte Carlo a classic was born.. by mistake, or so the legend has it. According to Henri Charpentier, he was serving nobility at the restaurant table side with crepes which were pre-prepared in the back. While preparing an orange sauce, he added…

Bánh mì

Otherwise known as the Vietnamese sandwich. According to Wikipedia, the term “Bánh mì” actually refers to the bread. It is important to use a good french bread here with a crust that is not too hard. A little crispness is a good thing. The Bánh mì is, unfortunately, a bit scarce in my local area here…